“Gavin and the YBA team has given me hope, eliminated stress and genuinely cares about our well-being.”
YBA Client – Bob’s Building
Your Business Angels have some crafty solutions. “Opportunities can come brilliantly disguised as insurmountable problems.” The good folk at Your Business Angels often hear from clients explaining a problem they have, and they realise that the client’s problem is an opportunity.
We are here for those who thought there could not be a plan
that works with you to solve those hard problems you have, tax debt, lack of cash flow, dealing with a difficult market, staying compliant and beginning to protect your assets such as your home by eliminating the risks in your business.
In the corporation Act 2001 – SECT 588GA that deals with Safe Harbour and is about directors taking a course of action reasonably likely to lead to a better outcome for the company. This piece of legislation leaves the burden of proof that this has been carried out on the director or directors.
The legislation was written to give directors “a chance” of turning a business around by making the right decisions and keep going, but of course the “Sword of Damascus” sits over the director to prove that the actions have been carried out it seems (and if I am not using too many metaphors or sayings) a hot potatoes for consultants and the insolvency industry.
Not for the folks at Your Business Angels.
We have created “Towards Safe Harbour” not only as a product that helps directors make better decisions about their business in times of strife, but for all our clients running a business. This product creates channel markers by which to guide your business in all times.
Using Your Business Angels “Towards Safe Harbour” is a tool for all businesses, which help keep them compliant, balance sheet strong and in a financial position to take every opportunity possible in driving forward. It is a series of checks and processes. It is about being on top of the accounts and financial position of the business, and it is about stopping and planning the business
steps with the team at Your Business Angels. Remember why you went into business – to have a great income and perhaps a great business to sell when it comes time.
The person bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter, but Your Business Angels will use the legislation to provide guidance for our clients. We will work on the accounts, and look for additional profit. We will look for opportunity and great strategies. Whilst we do this important work, our clients can focus on running their business profitably by serving their clients and driving their team forward.
Some clients might want to hang out on the edge, while others are happy to cruise along in their business.
No matter what lane business owners want to travel in, Your Business Angels will understand their needs and requirements and make sure they are safe.
The Your Business Angels is a product that analyses any size business. The analysis helps business owners make changes that improve their financial position of their business. By creating tactics to be implemented to improve the businesses finance and solve fundamental problems.
“Our turnaround solutions are some of our signature dishes.”
“Gavin and the YBA team has given me hope, eliminated stress and genuinely cares about our well-being.”
YBA Client – Bob’s Building
“Gavin and the YBA team has given me hope, eliminated stress and genuinely cares about our well-being.”
YBA Client – Bob’s Building
Contact us anytime by email, or give us a call.
Oh please check out our free resource library on our helpful blogs.